Appreciation in the Workplace

Appreciation in the workplace has the power to create an organization where feeling valued is the norm, one where it becomes reflexive to appreciate co-workers, employees and employers. When people feel that way in a workplace, they’re more likely to strive beyond...

How to Say No at Work (By Saying Yes)

Saying “no” at work is hard. You know the reasons it’s important to say no, but you want to feel like a team player, or your boss asked you, or just want people to like you. So you say yes – and you keep saying yes and now you’re overworked and not able to concentrate...

Don’t you wish we still had spring break?

It’s a refrain I’ve heard more than once in the past few weeks. I live near a university and New England’s winter has been so bad that the very idea of ‘spring’ seems magical, but it’s more than that. In the routine of work, we often forget to recharge and can find...

The Zen Art of Job Searching

You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you. If you’re not an old-school Saturday Night Live fan, that line probably sounded a little corny. But even still, I think most of us can agree that the local employment market is on a...


Intrapreneurs? Don’t you mean entrepreneurs? The people who innovate, who see unseen opportunities, take risks and think outside of the box. Yes – that is what I mean – but I’m talking about the people who embody these skills and values inside companies, the...